Advantages of digital technology printing manufacturers for textile products
The golden pattern design on the digital prints from the printing manufacturer. Gold cannot be printed using digital technology on textile prints, so such pattern designs must be done independently using a rotary screen printing machine.
For such difficult problems, a clear solution is a printer that can print data and rotate simultaneously, allowing everyone to use the same printing body to create a product.
The obvious main disadvantage of the hybrid printing machine from the printing manufacturer is that you miss out on a certain advantage of digital printing:
One major advantage of digital technology printing on textile products is its coordination ability. In rotary metal screen printing machines, once the metal screen rotates a full circle, the same design will return. This means you must use a design that matches the circumference of the screen in repeated lengths. Therefore, in hybrid printing machines, the repeatable length of digital technology textile printing will significantly reduce its playability.
In addition, the initial printing time will be longer. After all, it requires using a rotary station for printing, and the metal screen must be manually engraved first. Even if you have your own CNC engraving machine, this still takes several hours. If you have to outsource the manual engraving, your initial printing time will generally require at least a few extra days, but usually, this will also add 1-2 weeks.
Another difference between rotary and digital technology textile printing at the printing manufacturer is that the rotary metal screen printing machine is not always printing. When you need to change the design, you must clean the previous screen, remove the solder paste, clean the equipment, and set a new solder paste. Because of this, the rotary metal screen printing machine operates for relatively short periods for each design, generally printing only about 25-50% of the time. This is also true for hybrid printing machines, which counteracts the major advantage of digital printing: efficiency.
The printing sequence, gradually printing the characteristics of flowers in a digital way, is that the gray background brings coverage. This means we can print the petal data a bit larger and then print the environment on top of them. This way, you won't have any registration issues. However, even if there is a slight inconsistency between the screen design and digital printing, registration issues will arise after the screen rotates ten times or hundreds of times. This means you need an operator to adjust the rotary printing components to maintain alignment.
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4/F, Factory Building 1, No.2, Jinda Road, Huinan Industrial Park, Huiao Avenue, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province
Huizhou Dashan Textile Co., Ltd
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